Event Description
We invite you to join Indian Country ECHO for a Grand Rounds focused on syphilis staging and treatment in Indian Health Service, Tribal and Urban Indian (I/T/U) primary care clinics. In this series of presentations, Philana Liang, PA-C, MPH, Core Program Manager at the St. Louis STI/HIV Prevention Training Center and Washington University Infectious Disease Clinic, offers advice for timely recognition and appropriate staging and treatment in light of pending penicillin shortages. Then, Philana shares the latest evidence and guidelines for clinical and laboratory diagnosis of syphilis, clinical pearls and considerations for staging, and the latest best practices in prescribing bicilin for syphilis treatment. The one-hour Grand Rounds session includes an opportunity to engage in a didactic presentation, gain insight on how I/T/U facilities may effectively integrate timely services for syphilis treatment, become part of a learning community, join an Infectious Disease ECHO program and a new Pregnancy Care ECHO program.
Speaker(s): Philana Liang, PA-C, MPH
To Learn More: https://www.indiancountryecho.org/program/grand-rounds/