Welcome to the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board’s COVID-19 pages. We are striving to keep you updated with the fast-moving COVID-19 situation to help keep you safe and to protect our communities.
Here you will find resources about COVID-19, tools for community outreach, information for Tribal Leaders, and much more. See anything we’re missing, or looking for something more specific? Please reach out to us via our contact form, and we’ll follow up with you. Stay safe.
Access policy and legislative resources from the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Indian Health Service, Congressional Native American Caucus, the White House, and other agencies.
Federal and national COVID-19 resources from the Indian Health Service, National Indian Health Board, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Johns Hopkins University, and others.
Resources for health clinics and clinicians including Indian Country ECHO, downloadable PowerPoint presentations, contact tracing guidance, alternative site planning, and more.
Resources and guidance for Tribal Leaders including Dear Tribal Leader letters, Tribal COVID-19 weekly update calls, resources from WA, OR, and ID state agencies and governments, funding sources, and more.
COVID-19 materials developed for American Indian and Alaska Native community members by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and partners. Materials include the Bigfoot Stay Safe campaign, factsheets, posters, and radio and video PSAs for youth and adults. Many materials are customizable for your Tribe and logo.
Access the latest information about available vaccines, vaccine safety, PSAs, and factsheets here.
As Indigenous people, it is our role to learn from those who came before us and nurture those who come next. We dance, we pray, we share, we adapt, we protect. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect our community and the quickest way to end the pandemic!