Our Campaigns
Bigfoot: Risk Assessment | Back to School | Re-Opening | Keep Hunting | Safe Social Distance | Flu Vaccinations | Keep Dental | Staying Home | Keep Harvesting | Keep Fishing | Daily Activities | Face Mask | Keep Elders | Mental Wellness | Hand Washing | Contact Tracing | Holidays | Social Distance | Safe Elders Poster | Floor Stick | Safe Elders Banner
Slide content
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Slide content
Masked Up: Mask Fitting | Mask Up Sticker | Mask Up Sticker (Transparent) | Masked People | Masked People Banner
Tips for Native Youth: Tip 1 – Handwashing | Tip 2 – Social Distancing | Tip 3 – Healthy Lifestyle | Tip 4 – Things You Can Do
Vaccines are Vital: Clinical Q&A on the COVID-19 Vaccines | Our World – Captions | Our World – No Captions
Vaccines are Vital: Vaccine Comparison Chart | Vaccine Success Stories| Children and the Vaccines | Long-Haul COVID
Traditional Practices: No Captions | Captions
Handouts: Non-Sewn Cloth Face Covering | Sewn Face Cloth Covering | COVID-19 and Cancer Patients
Radio PSAs
NPAIHB COVID-19 PSAs: Lindsey Pasena – Little Sky (60 sec) | Ginger Smith (60 sec) | Armand Minthorn (60 sec) | Candice Jimenez (60 sec) | Uncle Paige Smith (30 sec) | Cheydon Herkshan (30 sec) | Danica Love Brown (60 sec) | Deanie Johnson (60 sec)