Event Description
Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee
The Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC) plays no direct role in individual TSGP negotiations. The Committee advocates for Self-Governance Tribes, suggests policy guidance on the implementation of the TSGP, and advises the IHS Director on issues of concern to all Self-Governance Tribes. The TSGAC consists of tribally elected officials representing a cross section of Self-Governance Tribes. One delegate and one alternate are nominated by each Area Director to represent the views and issues of the Area’s Self-Governance Tribes. The IHS Director selects the representatives and formally appoints them to the TSGAC. The TSGAC members confer, discuss, and reach consensus on specific self-governance issues and provide verbal and written advice about self-governance issues to the IHS Director and the OTSG Director. As a result of active participation by TSGAC members, the committee advances self-governance objectives within the IHS by providing advice and input before final decisions on policy issues are made.