Social Media – Tribal Boarding School Toolkit for Healing
Annual Health Observances
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National Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples Day, May 5
#MMIP is part of a long legacy of stolen relatives. Want to understand the story behind the numbers? The Tribal Boarding School Toolkit for Healing can help. No more stolen relatives.
The week of September 9 - Yellow Ribbon Week
Prevention begins with an understanding of risk factors, and AI/AN communities are unique. The Tribal Boarding School Toolkit has the history and resources to help you understand those risk factors.
September 10 - World Suicide Prevention Day,
Did you know that AI/AN people are at a higher risk of suicide than their peers? We have the toolkit to help you understand why – and how to talk about it.
September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (also known as Orange Shirt Day)
As a nation, we must come to terms with our history. The Tribal Boarding School Toolkit is here to help you understand that history and step toward the future in a good way.
Second Monday in October - Indigenous Peoples Day,
To celebrate Indigenous resilience is to understand historical trauma. Use our toolkit to learn about the boarding school system, and how we get on a path to healing from it.
October 23–31 - Red Ribbon Week
Substance abuse hits AI/AN communities harder than others. Gain context on why that is and tools to talk about it with the Tribal Boarding School Toolkit.
Tribal Health: Reaching out InVolves Everyone (THRIVE) is the suicide prevention project at the NPAIHB. THRIVE works to reduce suicide rates among American Indians and Alaska Natives living in the Pacific Northwest by providing programmatic technical assistance, suicide prevention trainings, and resources to the Northwest Tribes.